Publisher & Editor
Amy Kay Guenther | TorahSisters.com
Creative Director & Graphic Designer
Crystal Calhoun | Made to be Unique
Victoria Reid | WithLoveFromVictoria.com
Anne Elliott | HomeschoolingTorah.com
Taylor Richards | LandofHoneyblog.blogspot.com
Activities, Recipes and Posters
P 16 Poster: You shall keep the Feast…
P 22 Recipe: Mexican Dip
P 23 Recipe: Campfire Chickpea Breakfast Hash
P 25 Recipe: Kids in a Blanket
P 27 Recipe: Rainbow Trout with Vegetables
P 28 Recipe: S’mores with Brownies
P 29 Recipe: Protein Hot Chocolate
P 44 Poster: …come to me and drink
P 06 What the Torah Sisters Said (Testimonials)
P 08 Building Excitement for the Fall Feasts
P 13 Things the Messiah Said During Sukkot
P 17 A Sukkot Menu for Your Camping Group
P 30 3 Ways to Elevate a Pot Blessing Meal
P 33 Celebrating the Fall Feasts Frugally!
P 36 Inexpensive Ways to Decorate Your Sukkah
P 38 Sukkah Pictures
P 45 Why Should I Tithe?
P 49 Autumn Anticipation – Fresh Perspective on the Biblical Holidays
Featured on Cover
Why Should I Tithe?
Sukkah Pictures
Fall Feast Excitement